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Ffxiv Where To Sell Antique Gear

Antique gear is one of the most sought-after items in the Final Fantasy XIV game. It is a rare and valuable item that can be sold for a high price. However, finding the right place to sell antique gear can be a challenge. In this article, we will discuss where to sell antique gear in FFXIV.

The Market Board

Market Board Ffxiv

The Market Board is the most common place to sell items in FFXIV. It is a player-driven marketplace where players can buy and sell items. The Market Board can be found in any major city in the game. You can access it by speaking to the Market Board NPC, which can be found in the market area of the city. To sell antique gear on the Market Board, simply select the item from your inventory and set a price. Once the item is sold, you will receive your gil through the in-game mailbox.

The Gold Saucer

Gold Saucer Ffxiv

The Gold Saucer is a popular destination in FFXIV. It is a casino-themed area where players can participate in various games and activities. One of the activities in the Gold Saucer is the Manderville Gold Saucer Prize Exchange, where players can exchange Manderville Gold Saucer Points (MGP) for rare and valuable items. Antique gear can be sold for MGP in the Prize Exchange. To sell antique gear for MGP, simply speak to the Prize Exchange NPC and select the item from your inventory.

The Grand Company

Grand Company Ffxiv

The Grand Company is a military organization in FFXIV. Players can join one of the three Grand Companies and complete tasks to earn company seals. Company seals can be used to purchase items from the Grand Company Quartermaster, including antique gear. To sell antique gear to the Grand Company, simply speak to the Quartermaster and select the item from your inventory.

The Retainer

Ffxiv Retainer

The Retainer is a personal NPC that players can hire to store items and sell items on their behalf. Players can hire up to two retainers per character. Retainers can be found in any major city in the game, near the Market Board. To sell antique gear through your retainer, simply place the item in your retainer's inventory and set a price. Once the item is sold, you will receive your gil through the in-game mailbox.


Antique gear is a valuable item in FFXIV, and there are several places where you can sell it. The Market Board, the Gold Saucer, the Grand Company, and your Retainer are all viable options for selling antique gear. Choose the option that works best for you and start earning gil today!

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