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Best Antique Stores In Rome Italy

Antique Stores In Rome Italy

Rome is a city that is steeped in history and culture, and it is no surprise that many antique stores can be found in the city. Antique stores in Rome offer a wide range of products, from furniture to artwork, with each store offering unique and authentic pieces. Here are some of the best antique stores in Rome Italy:

1. Antiquariato Valligiano

Antiquariato Valligiano

Antiquariato Valligiano is one of the most popular antique stores in Rome. The store has a wide range of antique furniture, paintings, and sculptures that date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. The store is a must-visit for those who appreciate classical art and design.

2. Galleria del Cardinale

Galleria Del Cardinale

Galleria del Cardinale is one of the oldest antique stores in Rome. The store has a wide range of antique furniture, paintings, and sculptures that date back to the 16th century. The store is known for its collection of Baroque and Renaissance pieces.

3. Antiquariato Gianni

Antiquariato Gianni

Antiquariato Gianni is a small antique store that specializes in antique jewelry and silverware. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 19th and 20th centuries. The store is a must-visit for those who appreciate fine jewelry and silverware.

4. Antico Setificio Fiorentino

Antico Setificio Fiorentino

Antico Setificio Fiorentino is an antique store that specializes in antique textiles and tapestries. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 16th and 17th centuries. The store is a must-visit for those who appreciate fine textiles and tapestries.

5. Antichità San Lorenzo

Antichità San Lorenzo

Antichità San Lorenzo is an antique store that specializes in antique furniture and paintings. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The store is a must-visit for those who appreciate classical furniture and paintings.

6. Antichità Cappellini

Antichità Cappellini

Antichità Cappellini is an antique store that specializes in antique furniture and paintings. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. The store is known for its collection of Baroque and Rococo pieces.

7. Antichità Pratesi

Antichità Pratesi

Antichità Pratesi is an antique store that specializes in antique furniture and decorations. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The store is a must-visit for those who appreciate classical furniture and decorations.

8. Antichità Gregori

Antichità Gregori

Antichità Gregori is an antique store that specializes in antique furniture and decorations. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The store is known for its collection of Neoclassical and Empire pieces.

9. D’Antiquariato


D’Antiquariato is an antique store that specializes in antique jewelry and silverware. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 19th and 20th centuries. The store is a must-visit for those who appreciate fine jewelry and silverware.

10. Antiquariato Romagnoli

Antiquariato Romagnoli

Antiquariato Romagnoli is an antique store that specializes in antique furniture and decorations. The store has a wide range of antique pieces that date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. The store is known for its collection of Baroque and Rococo pieces.

In conclusion, Rome is a city that is full of history and culture, and the antique stores in the city offer a glimpse into its rich past. Whether you are looking for classical art, fine jewelry, or unique furniture pieces, these antique stores are a must-visit for any antique enthusiast.

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